Great Colmore Street, Birmingham, B15 2AY
0121 6921051

School Meals

At St Catherine's, we understand the importance of a warm and healthy meal in order to promote physical and cognitive development.  Therefore, we provide an eclectic menu which is varied and suits all tastes!


Any changes to Lunch arrangements MUST be done through the school office to avoid incorrect charges.


Children can only change on a WEEKLY basis (i.e.  You cannot change from having packed lunches Mon-Thurs and then dinner on a Friday etc)

Please contact School Office if you need more information  (0121 692 1051)


Examples of Weekly Menus from Our School Kitchen


Dinner Money


£1.85 a day / £9.25 a week


Year 3 to Year 6

£2.15 a day / £10.75 a week