Great Colmore Street, Birmingham, B15 2AY
0121 6921051

Policies and Documents

This page will provide access to certain policies and other documents that are most relevant to our parents.

For further information or to see documetns that are not on this page, or to request any information in paper format (free of change), please contact us at school.

All policies have been approved by the Governing Body and signed copies are kept in school.

Accessibility Plan 2024-2027.pdf .pdf
Admission criteria 2024 - 25.pdf .pdf
Admission Criteria 2025-2026.pdf .pdf
Anti-Bullying Policy.pdf .pdf
BDES Complaints Policy.pdf .pdf
Behaviour Policy.pdf .pdf
Curriculum Intent Policy.pdf .pdf
Health and Safety Policy.pdf .pdf
Inclusion Policy.pdf .pdf
Intimate Care Policy.pdf .pdf
Lunch Policy.pdf .pdf
Medical Policy.pdf .pdf
Mental Health and Wellbeing Policy.pdf .pdf
No Platform Policy.pdf .pdf
Public Sector Equality Duty Policy.pdf .pdf
Pupil Information Scheme.pdf .pdf
Pupil Premium Policy.pdf .pdf
Relationships and Sex Education Policy.pdf .pdf
Remote Learning Policy.pdf .pdf
RHE policy.pdf .pdf
Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy.pdf .pdf
School Appraisal Policy.pdf .pdf
School Capability Policy.pdf .pdf
School Charging Policy.pdf .pdf
School Disciplinary Policy.pdf .pdf
School Grievance Policy.pdf .pdf
School Whistle Blowing Code.pdf .pdf
SEND Infomation Report.pdf .pdf
Teaching and Learning Policy.pdf .pdf
Uniform Policy 2023.pdf .pdf
Values and Virtues.pdf .pdf



Great Colmore Street, Birmingham, B15 2AY
0121 6921051

Policies and Documents

This page will provide access to certain policies and other documents that are most relevant to our parents.

For further information or to see documetns that are not on this page, or to request any information in paper format (free of change), please contact us at school.

All policies have been approved by the Governing Body and signed copies are kept in school.

Accessibility Plan 2024-2027.pdf .pdf
Admission criteria 2024 - 25.pdf .pdf
Admission Criteria 2025-2026.pdf .pdf
Anti-Bullying Policy.pdf .pdf
BDES Complaints Policy.pdf .pdf
Behaviour Policy.pdf .pdf
Curriculum Intent Policy.pdf .pdf
Health and Safety Policy.pdf .pdf
Inclusion Policy.pdf .pdf
Intimate Care Policy.pdf .pdf
Lunch Policy.pdf .pdf
Medical Policy.pdf .pdf
Mental Health and Wellbeing Policy.pdf .pdf
No Platform Policy.pdf .pdf
Public Sector Equality Duty Policy.pdf .pdf
Pupil Information Scheme.pdf .pdf
Pupil Premium Policy.pdf .pdf
Relationships and Sex Education Policy.pdf .pdf
Remote Learning Policy.pdf .pdf
RHE policy.pdf .pdf
Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy.pdf .pdf
School Appraisal Policy.pdf .pdf
School Capability Policy.pdf .pdf
School Charging Policy.pdf .pdf
School Disciplinary Policy.pdf .pdf
School Grievance Policy.pdf .pdf
School Whistle Blowing Code.pdf .pdf
SEND Infomation Report.pdf .pdf
Teaching and Learning Policy.pdf .pdf
Uniform Policy 2023.pdf .pdf
Values and Virtues.pdf .pdf



Great Colmore Street, Birmingham, B15 2AY
0121 6921051

Policies and Documents

This page will provide access to certain policies and other documents that are most relevant to our parents.

For further information or to see documetns that are not on this page, or to request any information in paper format (free of change), please contact us at school.

All policies have been approved by the Governing Body and signed copies are kept in school.

Accessibility Plan 2024-2027.pdf .pdf
Admission criteria 2024 - 25.pdf .pdf
Admission Criteria 2025-2026.pdf .pdf
Anti-Bullying Policy.pdf .pdf
BDES Complaints Policy.pdf .pdf
Behaviour Policy.pdf .pdf
Curriculum Intent Policy.pdf .pdf
Health and Safety Policy.pdf .pdf
Inclusion Policy.pdf .pdf
Intimate Care Policy.pdf .pdf
Lunch Policy.pdf .pdf
Medical Policy.pdf .pdf
Mental Health and Wellbeing Policy.pdf .pdf
No Platform Policy.pdf .pdf
Public Sector Equality Duty Policy.pdf .pdf
Pupil Information Scheme.pdf .pdf
Pupil Premium Policy.pdf .pdf
Relationships and Sex Education Policy.pdf .pdf
Remote Learning Policy.pdf .pdf
RHE policy.pdf .pdf
Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy.pdf .pdf
School Appraisal Policy.pdf .pdf
School Capability Policy.pdf .pdf
School Charging Policy.pdf .pdf
School Disciplinary Policy.pdf .pdf
School Grievance Policy.pdf .pdf
School Whistle Blowing Code.pdf .pdf
SEND Infomation Report.pdf .pdf
Teaching and Learning Policy.pdf .pdf
Uniform Policy 2023.pdf .pdf
Values and Virtues.pdf .pdf