Great Colmore Street, Birmingham, B15 2AY
0121 6921051

Sports Premium

In recent years, the government has allocated funding to ensure that schools make additional and sustainable changes, in order to affect the level of Physical Education and Sports within each school and to raise the national profile of PE.

This document outlines how the funding allocation has been spent at St. Catherine's.

Over the course of the academic year, St Catherine’s has committed to raising standards in PE by:

  • Working collaboratively with Bishop Challoner Secondary School to support the teaching of PE in KS1 & KS2.
  • Investing in equipment for lunch and playtimes in order to raise physical activity.
  • Investing in high quality PE equipment, ensuring the school has provision for PE lessons.
  • Working with ‘Fit4Schools’ to monitor and raise the fitness levels of children in our school.
  • Employing coaches to work within certain subject areas across KS1 and KS2.
  • Participating in inter and intra-school competition, including participation in the School Games.
Sports Premium Grant 2023-2024.pdf .pdf
Sports Premium Grant 2022-2023.pdf .pdf
Sports Premium Grant 2021-2022.pdf .pdf
Sports Premium Grant 2020-2021.pdf .pdf
Sports Premium Grant 2019-2020.pdf .pdf