Welcome to St Catherine of Siena
St. Catherine of Siena is a voluntary aided mixed Catholic Primary School. It caters for approximately 210 children ages 4+ to 11 years. We also have a 26 place full time nursery.
We are a Catholic School. We aim to foster the development of our pupils in their faith, through example and shared values.
Children are prepared for the Sacraments of Reconciliation, the Eucharist and Confirmation. A programme of collective worship includes masses and assemblies are planned each half term.
If our teaching is to be effective, it must be supported at home, particularly by the example of parents in the practice of their religion.
Right from the beginning, therefore, we ask for the support of all parents in the education of their children so that home and school can work in harmony for the good of each child.
Assembly and Mass dates are published in our weekly newsletter.
Parents are encouraged to attend these so they can share in this valuable aspect of religious life with their children.
Mr E. McNamara - Headteacher
The full school address is as follows:
Saint Catherine of Siena Catholic School
Great Colmore Street,
Lee Bank,
B15 2AY
Telephone: 0121 692-1051
Facsimile: 0121 622-6343
Email: enquiry@stcathrc.bham.sch.uk