Space Education
Our aims to promote Space Education at St Catherine's link with our vision for STEM and the ESERO-UK's vision where "Space is an inspiring and exciting context in which to learn science, technology, engineering and mathematics. The UK needs many more students to study STEM subjects to A-level and beyond to meet the icnreasing demand for STEM skills in the workplace." We share this passion and this is our response to developing STEM skills relating to Space Education.
Space Week 2022
St Catherine’s have had a spectacular Space Week this year with a wide range of activities taking place, from creating your own planet to rebuilding the James Webb Telescope with origami skills! We have also had a wide range of competition entries, showing off your space knowledge!
This week has allowed us to see the creativity pupils bring to STEM, particularly when applying their passion and curiosity to space.
Please see our Space Week 2022 page for photographs
Gabriel Ch. Y1: “We learned about planets like Venus.” Axel Y1: “We put planets in order.” Josephine Y1: “I learned that planets are big and small. The sun is the biggest.” Kairo Y1: “The rockets can go into space.” Cataleya Y1: “I did a project at home. It has a rocket and some planets.” Stuti Y4: “I enjoyed making the James Webb telescopes with origami and I also enjoyed comparing different planets and stars. Eliana Y4: “I enjoyed it when we watched the different planets and compared their size.” Money Y4: “I enjoyed it when we had the space competition.” Oliwier Y4: “I liked learning about the different size of the planets.” Matthan Y4: “I liked learning about big the planets are.” Halimat Y5: “I enjoyed learning about how the star explodes with its colours.” Cairo Y5: “I enjoyed how we got to use the iPads to research about stars.” |
Veronika Y5: “I enjoyed it because we got to research how stars exploded.” Maryamawit Y5: “I liked how a black hole grows in a star when they die.” Aryan Y5: “I enjoyed studying about the stages of a star: protostar, main sequence star, it can go to a red giant or a red super giant and might even turn into a black hole!” Miss High Y5: “A great chance for Y5 to learn about the life cycle of a star before our Earth and Space topic later in the year.” Jeremi Y6: “This space week was a success! I loved learning about space exploration and adding to my knowledge.” Matthew Y6: “It was great! I enjoyed watching the planets, stars and the universe.” Exaudi Y6: “I liked watching the video about how the planets got bigger each time and how they looked. Thank you, Mr Woolman!” Preston Y6: “My favourite thing about space week was creating our own projects because the competition was exciting and fun.” Zemma Y6: “I liked learning about how the rotation of the earth affects us.” |
Space Club 2022-23
From Year 1 to Year 6, pupils have had the opportunity to take part in Space Club, an after school, 6-week, programme where we explore different aspects of Space. This ranges from programming the Mars Rover using binary code to exploring the Carina Nebula using the James Webb Telescope.
Elorm: “I enjoyed when we were painting planets and going on the Mars Rover coding game.” Abigail (Y6): “I really loved being with the kids and knowing that they are learning new things about space.” Melissa: “I enjoyed painting planets and nebula on the computer.” Tanishka: “I liked the Mars Rover game because I enjoyed the coding.” William (Y1): “I enjoyed painting nebula and the Earth.” Axel: “I enjoyed painting on the computer.” Arthur: “I enjoyed playing the Mars game because I could make it go in any direction I wanted.” Lucia: “I enjoyed the Mars game because we got to go and scan any data.” Zemma (Y6): “I really loved seeing the kids’ creativity increase.” Maedot: “I enjoyed looking at the planets in the solar system.” Maya-Angel: “I enjoyed when we were on the computers and we could draw our own nebula and planets and I enjoyed the Mars game where we could go forwards and press the buttons scan data. I also liked the James Webb Telescope pictures and the game where we could zoom in and zoom out.” William (Y2): “I liked to play on the computer because we played the Mars rover game.” |
Angela, Y4: “I have enjoyed Space Club when we went to the ICT Suite and created our own planet. I also enjoyed learning about algorithms.” Oliwier, Y4: “I enjoyed Space Club because I learned a lot of facts and I never knew about NASA so I learned more about them. I enjoyed giving algorithms to the Mars Rover too.” Jyotsana, Y3: “I enjoyed learning about algorithms which are a set of instructions and creating planets in the ICT Suite.” Saahiti, Y3: “I enjoyed learning about pixels and making our own planets.” Maxi, Y6: “I have enjoyed embracing the wonders of space and how the more we study space, the more we learn. I have also enjoyed learning about new space technologies that will help future generations.” Simon, Y6: “I enjoyed learning about different stars and types of planets. I also enjoyed looking at different types of telescopes. I liked looking at different galaxies and learning about astronomy.” Abigail, Y5: “I enjoyed Space Club and how I learned more information about our planets. I also learned that when stars die, they turn into black holes. It was great learning all of these different facts. Space Club makes me feel elated.” Daniel, Y5: “I enjoyed that we got to explore the depths of what this seemingly endless universe has for us to find out. I also enjoyed the debates and the references to STEM. It has taught me a lot about planets and I loved making my own planet.” |