Great Colmore Street, Birmingham, B15 2AY
0121 6921051


Our school follows the curriculum strategy - Learning and Growing as the People of God - provided by the Archdiocese of Birmingham for teaching RE in a Catholic primary school.

Please click on the links below to access each class's syllabus.

The thematic approach enables RE to be taught through other subject areas as links in learning provide the children with opportunities to make connections. There are also numerous opportunities for extended writing in RE and to enhance RE learning through the use of ICT.

In addition to the diocesan strategy we have dedicated themed weeks for example a multi faith week which seeks to support the children in learning about other faiths through visiting places of worship.

The children also spend time learning about St Catherine of Siena and her Feast Day.

Year 1

Unit A - Creation.pdf .pdf
Unit B - Families and Celebrations.pdf .pdf
Unit C - Prayer.pdf .pdf
Unit D - Advent.pdf .pdf
Unit E - Christmas.pdf .pdf
Unit F - Jesus Teacher and Healer.pdf .pdf
Unit G - Forgiveness.pdf .pdf
Unit H - Lent.pdf .pdf
Unit I - Holy Week.pdf .pdf
Unit J - Easter.pdf .pdf
Unit K - Pentecost.pdf .pdf
Unit L - Sharing Jesus' Life.pdf .pdf
Unit M - Following Jesus Today.pdf .pdf

Year 2

Unit A - Old Testament Stories.pdf .pdf
Unit B - Sharing in the Life of Jesus.pdf .pdf
Unit C - Advent.pdf .pdf
Unit D - Christmas.pdf .pdf
Unit E - Parables and Miracles.pdf .pdf
Unit F - Special Celebrations.pdf .pdf
Unit G - Lent.pdf .pdf
Unit H - Holy Week.pdf .pdf
Unit I - Easter.pdf .pdf
Unit J - Pentecost.pdf .pdf
Unit K - Our Church.pdf .pdf
Unit L - The Mass.pdf .pdf

Year 3

Unit A - Belonging.pdf .pdf
Unit B - Reconciliation.pdf .pdf
Unit C - Advent.pdf .pdf
Unit D - Christmas.pdf .pdf
Unit E - We Listen to God's Word at Mass.pdf .pdf
Unit F - Lent.pdf .pdf
Unit G - Prayer.pdf .pdf
Unit H - Holy Week.pdf .pdf
Unit I - Easter.pdf .pdf
Unit J - The Eucharist is a Thanksgiving to God.pdf .pdf
Unit K - Pentecost.pdf .pdf

Year 4

Unit A - Creation.pdf .pdf
Unit B - Jesus Teaches Us How to Pray.pdf .pdf
Unit C - Advent.pdf .pdf
Unit D - Christmas.pdf .pdf
Unit E - Jesus Light of the World.pdf .pdf
Unit F - Old Testament - Moses (King David).pdf .pdf
Unit G - Lent.pdf .pdf
Unit H - Holy Week.pdf .pdf
Unit I - Easter.pdf .pdf
Unit J - Pentecost.pdf .pdf
Unit K - Sharing in the Life of Christ.pdf .pdf
Unit L - Special Roles and Responsibilities.pdf .pdf

Year 5

Unit A - Creation.pdf .pdf
Unit B - Miracles and the Sacrament of the Sick.pdf .pdf
Unit C - Advent.pdf .pdf
Unit D - Christmas.pdf .pdf
Unit E - Baptism.pdf .pdf
Unit F - Parables and the Sayings of Jesus.pdf .pdf
Unit G - Lent.pdf .pdf
Unit H - Holy Week.pdf .pdf
Unit I - Easter.pdf .pdf
Unit J - Pentecost.pdf .pdf
Unit K - The Work of the Apostles.pdf .pdf
Unit L - Marriage and Holy Orders.pdf .pdf

Year 6

Unit A - The Story of the People of God.pdf .pdf
Unit B - Followers of Christ.pdf .pdf
Unit C - Advent.pdf .pdf
Unit D - Christmas.pdf .pdf
Unit E - Baptism and Confirmation.pdf .pdf
Unit F - Lent.pdf .pdf
Unit G - Prayers.pdf .pdf
Unit H - Holy Week.pdf .pdf
Unit I - Easter.pdf .pdf
Unit J - Pentecost.pdf .pdf
Unit K - Belonging to the Church Community.pdf .pdf
Unit L - Celebrating the Life of Mary and the Saints.pdf .pdf

Parents and carers have a right to withdraw their child from all or part of RE.  Please contact the school office for more information.

Great Colmore Street, Birmingham, B15 2AY
0121 6921051


Our school follows the curriculum strategy - Learning and Growing as the People of God - provided by the Archdiocese of Birmingham for teaching RE in a Catholic primary school.

Please click on the links below to access each class's syllabus.

The thematic approach enables RE to be taught through other subject areas as links in learning provide the children with opportunities to make connections. There are also numerous opportunities for extended writing in RE and to enhance RE learning through the use of ICT.

In addition to the diocesan strategy we have dedicated themed weeks for example a multi faith week which seeks to support the children in learning about other faiths through visiting places of worship.

The children also spend time learning about St Catherine of Siena and her Feast Day.

Year 1

Unit A - Creation.pdf .pdf
Unit B - Families and Celebrations.pdf .pdf
Unit C - Prayer.pdf .pdf
Unit D - Advent.pdf .pdf
Unit E - Christmas.pdf .pdf
Unit F - Jesus Teacher and Healer.pdf .pdf
Unit G - Forgiveness.pdf .pdf
Unit H - Lent.pdf .pdf
Unit I - Holy Week.pdf .pdf
Unit J - Easter.pdf .pdf
Unit K - Pentecost.pdf .pdf
Unit L - Sharing Jesus' Life.pdf .pdf
Unit M - Following Jesus Today.pdf .pdf

Year 2

Unit A - Old Testament Stories.pdf .pdf
Unit B - Sharing in the Life of Jesus.pdf .pdf
Unit C - Advent.pdf .pdf
Unit D - Christmas.pdf .pdf
Unit E - Parables and Miracles.pdf .pdf
Unit F - Special Celebrations.pdf .pdf
Unit G - Lent.pdf .pdf
Unit H - Holy Week.pdf .pdf
Unit I - Easter.pdf .pdf
Unit J - Pentecost.pdf .pdf
Unit K - Our Church.pdf .pdf
Unit L - The Mass.pdf .pdf

Year 3

Unit A - Belonging.pdf .pdf
Unit B - Reconciliation.pdf .pdf
Unit C - Advent.pdf .pdf
Unit D - Christmas.pdf .pdf
Unit E - We Listen to God's Word at Mass.pdf .pdf
Unit F - Lent.pdf .pdf
Unit G - Prayer.pdf .pdf
Unit H - Holy Week.pdf .pdf
Unit I - Easter.pdf .pdf
Unit J - The Eucharist is a Thanksgiving to God.pdf .pdf
Unit K - Pentecost.pdf .pdf

Year 4

Unit A - Creation.pdf .pdf
Unit B - Jesus Teaches Us How to Pray.pdf .pdf
Unit C - Advent.pdf .pdf
Unit D - Christmas.pdf .pdf
Unit E - Jesus Light of the World.pdf .pdf
Unit F - Old Testament - Moses (King David).pdf .pdf
Unit G - Lent.pdf .pdf
Unit H - Holy Week.pdf .pdf
Unit I - Easter.pdf .pdf
Unit J - Pentecost.pdf .pdf
Unit K - Sharing in the Life of Christ.pdf .pdf
Unit L - Special Roles and Responsibilities.pdf .pdf

Year 5

Unit A - Creation.pdf .pdf
Unit B - Miracles and the Sacrament of the Sick.pdf .pdf
Unit C - Advent.pdf .pdf
Unit D - Christmas.pdf .pdf
Unit E - Baptism.pdf .pdf
Unit F - Parables and the Sayings of Jesus.pdf .pdf
Unit G - Lent.pdf .pdf
Unit H - Holy Week.pdf .pdf
Unit I - Easter.pdf .pdf
Unit J - Pentecost.pdf .pdf
Unit K - The Work of the Apostles.pdf .pdf
Unit L - Marriage and Holy Orders.pdf .pdf

Year 6

Unit A - The Story of the People of God.pdf .pdf
Unit B - Followers of Christ.pdf .pdf
Unit C - Advent.pdf .pdf
Unit D - Christmas.pdf .pdf
Unit E - Baptism and Confirmation.pdf .pdf
Unit F - Lent.pdf .pdf
Unit G - Prayers.pdf .pdf
Unit H - Holy Week.pdf .pdf
Unit I - Easter.pdf .pdf
Unit J - Pentecost.pdf .pdf
Unit K - Belonging to the Church Community.pdf .pdf
Unit L - Celebrating the Life of Mary and the Saints.pdf .pdf

Parents and carers have a right to withdraw their child from all or part of RE.  Please contact the school office for more information.

Great Colmore Street, Birmingham, B15 2AY
0121 6921051


Our school follows the curriculum strategy - Learning and Growing as the People of God - provided by the Archdiocese of Birmingham for teaching RE in a Catholic primary school.

Please click on the links below to access each class's syllabus.

The thematic approach enables RE to be taught through other subject areas as links in learning provide the children with opportunities to make connections. There are also numerous opportunities for extended writing in RE and to enhance RE learning through the use of ICT.

In addition to the diocesan strategy we have dedicated themed weeks for example a multi faith week which seeks to support the children in learning about other faiths through visiting places of worship.

The children also spend time learning about St Catherine of Siena and her Feast Day.

Year 1

Unit A - Creation.pdf .pdf
Unit B - Families and Celebrations.pdf .pdf
Unit C - Prayer.pdf .pdf
Unit D - Advent.pdf .pdf
Unit E - Christmas.pdf .pdf
Unit F - Jesus Teacher and Healer.pdf .pdf
Unit G - Forgiveness.pdf .pdf
Unit H - Lent.pdf .pdf
Unit I - Holy Week.pdf .pdf
Unit J - Easter.pdf .pdf
Unit K - Pentecost.pdf .pdf
Unit L - Sharing Jesus' Life.pdf .pdf
Unit M - Following Jesus Today.pdf .pdf

Year 2

Unit A - Old Testament Stories.pdf .pdf
Unit B - Sharing in the Life of Jesus.pdf .pdf
Unit C - Advent.pdf .pdf
Unit D - Christmas.pdf .pdf
Unit E - Parables and Miracles.pdf .pdf
Unit F - Special Celebrations.pdf .pdf
Unit G - Lent.pdf .pdf
Unit H - Holy Week.pdf .pdf
Unit I - Easter.pdf .pdf
Unit J - Pentecost.pdf .pdf
Unit K - Our Church.pdf .pdf
Unit L - The Mass.pdf .pdf

Year 3

Unit A - Belonging.pdf .pdf
Unit B - Reconciliation.pdf .pdf
Unit C - Advent.pdf .pdf
Unit D - Christmas.pdf .pdf
Unit E - We Listen to God's Word at Mass.pdf .pdf
Unit F - Lent.pdf .pdf
Unit G - Prayer.pdf .pdf
Unit H - Holy Week.pdf .pdf
Unit I - Easter.pdf .pdf
Unit J - The Eucharist is a Thanksgiving to God.pdf .pdf
Unit K - Pentecost.pdf .pdf

Year 4

Unit A - Creation.pdf .pdf
Unit B - Jesus Teaches Us How to Pray.pdf .pdf
Unit C - Advent.pdf .pdf
Unit D - Christmas.pdf .pdf
Unit E - Jesus Light of the World.pdf .pdf
Unit F - Old Testament - Moses (King David).pdf .pdf
Unit G - Lent.pdf .pdf
Unit H - Holy Week.pdf .pdf
Unit I - Easter.pdf .pdf
Unit J - Pentecost.pdf .pdf
Unit K - Sharing in the Life of Christ.pdf .pdf
Unit L - Special Roles and Responsibilities.pdf .pdf

Year 5

Unit A - Creation.pdf .pdf
Unit B - Miracles and the Sacrament of the Sick.pdf .pdf
Unit C - Advent.pdf .pdf
Unit D - Christmas.pdf .pdf
Unit E - Baptism.pdf .pdf
Unit F - Parables and the Sayings of Jesus.pdf .pdf
Unit G - Lent.pdf .pdf
Unit H - Holy Week.pdf .pdf
Unit I - Easter.pdf .pdf
Unit J - Pentecost.pdf .pdf
Unit K - The Work of the Apostles.pdf .pdf
Unit L - Marriage and Holy Orders.pdf .pdf

Year 6

Unit A - The Story of the People of God.pdf .pdf
Unit B - Followers of Christ.pdf .pdf
Unit C - Advent.pdf .pdf
Unit D - Christmas.pdf .pdf
Unit E - Baptism and Confirmation.pdf .pdf
Unit F - Lent.pdf .pdf
Unit G - Prayers.pdf .pdf
Unit H - Holy Week.pdf .pdf
Unit I - Easter.pdf .pdf
Unit J - Pentecost.pdf .pdf
Unit K - Belonging to the Church Community.pdf .pdf
Unit L - Celebrating the Life of Mary and the Saints.pdf .pdf

Parents and carers have a right to withdraw their child from all or part of RE.  Please contact the school office for more information.

Great Colmore Street, Birmingham, B15 2AY
0121 6921051


Our school follows the curriculum strategy - Learning and Growing as the People of God - provided by the Archdiocese of Birmingham for teaching RE in a Catholic primary school.

Please click on the links below to access each class's syllabus.

The thematic approach enables RE to be taught through other subject areas as links in learning provide the children with opportunities to make connections. There are also numerous opportunities for extended writing in RE and to enhance RE learning through the use of ICT.

In addition to the diocesan strategy we have dedicated themed weeks for example a multi faith week which seeks to support the children in learning about other faiths through visiting places of worship.

The children also spend time learning about St Catherine of Siena and her Feast Day.

Year 1

Unit A - Creation.pdf .pdf
Unit B - Families and Celebrations.pdf .pdf
Unit C - Prayer.pdf .pdf
Unit D - Advent.pdf .pdf
Unit E - Christmas.pdf .pdf
Unit F - Jesus Teacher and Healer.pdf .pdf
Unit G - Forgiveness.pdf .pdf
Unit H - Lent.pdf .pdf
Unit I - Holy Week.pdf .pdf
Unit J - Easter.pdf .pdf
Unit K - Pentecost.pdf .pdf
Unit L - Sharing Jesus' Life.pdf .pdf
Unit M - Following Jesus Today.pdf .pdf

Year 2

Unit A - Old Testament Stories.pdf .pdf
Unit B - Sharing in the Life of Jesus.pdf .pdf
Unit C - Advent.pdf .pdf
Unit D - Christmas.pdf .pdf
Unit E - Parables and Miracles.pdf .pdf
Unit F - Special Celebrations.pdf .pdf
Unit G - Lent.pdf .pdf
Unit H - Holy Week.pdf .pdf
Unit I - Easter.pdf .pdf
Unit J - Pentecost.pdf .pdf
Unit K - Our Church.pdf .pdf
Unit L - The Mass.pdf .pdf

Year 3

Unit A - Belonging.pdf .pdf
Unit B - Reconciliation.pdf .pdf
Unit C - Advent.pdf .pdf
Unit D - Christmas.pdf .pdf
Unit E - We Listen to God's Word at Mass.pdf .pdf
Unit F - Lent.pdf .pdf
Unit G - Prayer.pdf .pdf
Unit H - Holy Week.pdf .pdf
Unit I - Easter.pdf .pdf
Unit J - The Eucharist is a Thanksgiving to God.pdf .pdf
Unit K - Pentecost.pdf .pdf

Year 4

Unit A - Creation.pdf .pdf
Unit B - Jesus Teaches Us How to Pray.pdf .pdf
Unit C - Advent.pdf .pdf
Unit D - Christmas.pdf .pdf
Unit E - Jesus Light of the World.pdf .pdf
Unit F - Old Testament - Moses (King David).pdf .pdf
Unit G - Lent.pdf .pdf
Unit H - Holy Week.pdf .pdf
Unit I - Easter.pdf .pdf
Unit J - Pentecost.pdf .pdf
Unit K - Sharing in the Life of Christ.pdf .pdf
Unit L - Special Roles and Responsibilities.pdf .pdf

Year 5

Unit A - Creation.pdf .pdf
Unit B - Miracles and the Sacrament of the Sick.pdf .pdf
Unit C - Advent.pdf .pdf
Unit D - Christmas.pdf .pdf
Unit E - Baptism.pdf .pdf
Unit F - Parables and the Sayings of Jesus.pdf .pdf
Unit G - Lent.pdf .pdf
Unit H - Holy Week.pdf .pdf
Unit I - Easter.pdf .pdf
Unit J - Pentecost.pdf .pdf
Unit K - The Work of the Apostles.pdf .pdf
Unit L - Marriage and Holy Orders.pdf .pdf

Year 6

Unit A - The Story of the People of God.pdf .pdf
Unit B - Followers of Christ.pdf .pdf
Unit C - Advent.pdf .pdf
Unit D - Christmas.pdf .pdf
Unit E - Baptism and Confirmation.pdf .pdf
Unit F - Lent.pdf .pdf
Unit G - Prayers.pdf .pdf
Unit H - Holy Week.pdf .pdf
Unit I - Easter.pdf .pdf
Unit J - Pentecost.pdf .pdf
Unit K - Belonging to the Church Community.pdf .pdf
Unit L - Celebrating the Life of Mary and the Saints.pdf .pdf

Parents and carers have a right to withdraw their child from all or part of RE.  Please contact the school office for more information.